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Art - For Everyone

Play. Create. Connect.

KNST is on a mission to bring more art into everyone's daily life. 

Whether through our creative workshops or by showcasing emerging artists, we are building a community that celebrates human connection, creativity and play. 

Who We Are

For so many of us, art is a remote concept, and artists are a species of human only ever encountered in sitcoms or indie films. At KNST, we believe that everyday life is art, and everyone is an artist. 


We're here to break down barriers to accessibility to the art world for both the general public and for artists, from mental barriers to creativity, to achieving key milestones such as exhibiting and selling work. 

Film: Microbes, Gabriel La Guardia, 2022

Our Events

Let's Make Art

At KNST Collective, we're proud to offer a wide variety of classes suited to all skill levels and mediums. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, we have something for you. Discover more about each class below, and get in touch today with any questions.

What We Believe

Inspire. Create. Include.

At KNST Collective, we understand the importance of a space to dream, to create, to inspire and to be inspired. That's why we are creating a safe and judgement-free zone for everyone to play and explore their creativity, while inspiring people to create more art, and giving them all the necessary tools to do so, whatever that may be.

At KNST Collective, we're passionate about promoting art accessibility. Our artists showcase the diversity of the art world, across different art forms, including paintings, sculptures, prints, and photography. 


Our classes and events give all, not just artists, the opportunity to let go of inhibitions and explore their creative side, while we work with up and coming artists to give them the skills they weren't taught in art school. 

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